Celebrate Halloween

Profound Knowledge of Catholic Saints on All Saints Day – November 1st

Profound Knowledge of Catholic Saints on All Saints Day

Catholic Saints have had a significant impact on the development of Western Society. In early Christianity the battle for the Halloween Holiday took center stage. Pagans had celebrated Samhain (The Pagan Harvest Festival) for many centuries. The early Catholic Church did not like the Samhain celebration and in order to compete with it the celebration they created “All Saints Day” for November 1st – to honor Catholic Saints. This is of course why we call the eve before All Saints Day – Halloween because “Hallow” stands for Holy and “een” stands for evening. The Catholic Church later went on to include a remembrance of all souls with the Holiday “All Souls Day” which is supposed to follow “All Saints Day.”

So, whatever the stance on Halloween- if it should be more religious, or it shouldn’t be religious at all. I thought it would be good to present a list of some of the most important Christian Saints throughout history.

The Most Impactful Catholic Saints

  • Saint Paul of Tarsus – He heavily converted much of the Mediterranean world to Christianity, Including Rome, Asia Minor, and Greece. Paul is considered one of the greatest Evangelists of all time.
  • Saint Peter the Apostle – It is said that Peter was crucified upside down (though this cannot be verified). Peter took the steps to build the Christian Church after the crucifixion of Jesus. Peter is the father of the Catholic Church.
  • Saint John the Baptiste – Was instrumental in paving the way for Jesus. He pointed Jesus to some of the first disciples. We can see that John the Baptiste life can be verified to have existed from the writings of Josephus and Tacitus.
  • Saint Matthew – Was one of the apostles of Jesus and wrote the texts of the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew evangelized much of the Jewish population and traveled to many countries.
  • Saint Luke – Was author of the Gospel of Luke and an apostle of Saint Paul. Luke evangelized people and was believed to have been martyred.
  • Saint Mark – Though he was probably not the writer of the book of Mark – Evangelized and grew the church in the early days of Christianity
  • Pope Saint Leo I – In the early days of the Christian Church Leo was one of the fathers. He persuaded to avoid sacking of Rome and preserved the city. Later the King Genseric to sack Rome, he could not be dissuaded, but Leo managed to prevent the murder of innocence and destruction of buildings.
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  • Saint Nicholas – Santa Claus is derived from Saint Nicholas who was a bishop of the early church. Nicholas grew up in dark times and was said to show great compassion, charity, protection to those around him.
  • Saint Patrick – Of who the Irish Holiday is named. Patrick struggled through slavery and turned out to be one of the greatest apostles to all of Ireland. Helping the Irish build their communities, churches, and libraries.
  • Saint Valentine – Of who the Holiday of Love is named after. There could have been more than one Valentine. Valentine showed great love to those around him, and he was said to be a protector of lovers – the Saint of Love.
  • Saint Francis of Assisi – Lived a life of obedience to Christ. He tried to put an end to the 5th Crusade by converting the Sultan to Christianity. Francis had a great love for animals and the environment and was their protector.
  • Saint Ignatius of Loyola – His military career was ended when he broke his leg in battle. After his wound had healed, he had a religious conversion by learning about the saints. He put down his sword and founded the Jesuit society and did missionary work.
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  • Saint Thomas Aquinas – Considered one of the greatest philosophers of the western world – Aquinas helped people to understand the scriptures better and he adopted Aristotelian thought into the Christian world.
  • Saint Bede – One of the saints from the early Middle Ages. A sort of saint of libraries, writing, and history. Bede collected many books and much knowledge about early history.
  • Saint Albert – Was the saint of Medicine and Science. Albert took a great interest in sciences of all kinds and helped to push many sciences forward through general understanding.

List of Catholic saints – Wikipedia

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